Driving Net Sales and GP$ with Price Testing: A 5-minute guide for Retailers and Distributors

It's no secret that many retailers and distributors are struggling with suboptimal prices, leading to substantial profit losses or missed revenues.

But by developing a solid price-testing playbook, retailers and distributors can maximize profits without sacrificing sales.

You don't need to spend 12-18 months deploying an enterprise price optimization solution or waste a ton of CAPEX. You can start building your own semi-automated price-testing solution today at a fraction of the development times and costs.

If you're a Pricing or Finance executive looking for a way to improve your company's bottom line, click through this 5-minute presentation on how to build a sustainable Price Testing playbook.

You can also download the presentation in PDF format if the player doesn’t work below.

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Business Deep Dive Framework for Consumer Goods companies


(All I want for Christmas is) better discounting habits!